Sofia Primavista Skin Protect Base Prevention of Dry Collapse
Sofia Primavista Skin Protect Base Prevention of Dry Collapse.
Even in an environment where you are worried about dryness, you can spend it comfortably until the evening, which is familiar to your skin. Prevents even the shininess of the nose.
Primavista has released a base that can be used to prevent "drying" and "shininess".
Moisturizing texture type that protects the skin from dryness.
The bright and smooth finish continues until the evening, and it does not look tired.
Even in an environment where you are concerned about dryness, the Skin Protect Veil fits your skin moisturized and you can spend it until the evening without feeling taut.
With a moist finish, it prevents the nose from becoming shiny.
SPF20 / PA ++ Unscented / 25g