Covermark Moisture Coat Gel with Special Puff
Covermark Moisture Coat Gel with Special Puff.
Gel face powder. It is a "skin top coat" that traps beauty
It is a "skin top coat" that gives moisture, luster, and long-lasting makeup just by applying it to the final finish of makeup.
The veil of water protects the skin from drying by the air conditioner and the outside air, moisturizes the skin all day long, keeps the beautiful finish, and prevents the foundation from adhering to the mask!
- Lightly 1 push (about 1 cm in diameter) is the amount for half face.
- Make sure that the gel blends well with the puff. Apply the gel from the top of the container to the puff. (As a guideline, round and round. On about 10 seconds container may become white when you put on the skin is a sign that adapts to the puff, not enough)
- the POINT 3. puff force acceleration of time to devote to the skin to skin When applying the gel, do not rub it sideways or press it strongly, but lightly and lightly perpendicular to the skin.